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Panda Preparation

Sitting in an office within the zoo, the sense of pride is evident. The walls are littered with framed, front-page articles from national newspapers and they all say the same thing; Edinburgh is getting pandas.

The announcement in January this year that Edinburgh Zoo will receive two giant pandas was extremely exciting, but the build-up to their arrival is even more so.

Duncan Fisher, head of media relations, has been speaking about preparations for Tian Tian and Yangguang’s arrival in September. He says that work has just gone underway on their enclosure, which used to be home to the gorillas. He goes on that “the aim is to build an environment which is as natural as possible towards the pandas’ natural habitat.” It is understood that pictures will not be released until the enclosure is finished as the zoo are working in “milestones” in order to maintain public awareness.

Receiving pandas from China is not an easy process. It requires extremely delicate discussions and careful planning. It has taken Edinburgh nearly six years to secure the deal. Historically, pandas were used by China as a political tool to forge relations with countries. It was known as “Panda Diplomacy.” Today, it is more a case of allowing the world access to these rare and magnificent creatures. When the pair arrives, Edinburgh will be the third zoo in Europe to hold the creatures, which is raising hopes for declining visitor numbers. When Adelaide Zoo in Australia received their pandas, visitor numbers soared by 70%. Mr Fisher said that the zoo did not wish to get their hopes up but they have made a “conservative estimate as to the effect their arrival will have, and that it looks hopeful.”    

A team has recently been sent to China to meet the pair and their current keepers for the first time and witness the pandas in their current environment. After introductions, discussions will be held to arrange transportation and to begin training for the pandas’ care over the next decade. Duncan explains “there will be a dedicated team with one particular main keeper in charge of daily care and who will be fully trained to ensure that it is provided to a perfect standard.”

However, there has been much criticism over China’s gifting of pandas due to the money it costs to maintain the animals. It is estimated that the pair’s stay will cost Edinburgh Zoo £6 million and this has been met with outrage by tax payers. However, the hopeful rise in visitor numbers is said to be enough to cover this on a long term basis. It is also hoped that people who visit the city for the pandas will also visit other monuments such as the castle.

With only a few months to go until the pandas’ arrival, Edinburgh Zoo will be extremely busy making preparations and ensuring that everything is perfect before unveiling these creatures. As the zoo is operating in “milestones” it is very difficult to get a clear picture of what the coming months hold. There has been no decision as to how the pandas will be unveiled. Speculation has been made around special ticket prices, extended opening hours or a raise in price for a short period of time. However, Mr Fisher made it clear that it is “early days” and that the main priority is the pandas but that “it is a very, very exciting time for the zoo and the pending arrival of the pandas demonstrates the RZSS’ reputation for animal conservation in the world”

December 7, 2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment